Legal Document Assembly

Your data, one click away

Utilize dynamic templates with connected variables pulling from your Filevine data to make drafting and authoring demand letters, court proceedings, contracts, and mass mailings. Filevine’s .vine format allows for collaboration and one click export to PDF and Word.

Built for the future of legal

Move beyond outdated Microsoft Word based merge tools and create living documents that seamlessly connect with your source of record. Bulk operations to generate custom documents and deliver via email or a secure link.

Streamline your documents

Coordinate and connect every person, step and datapoint related to your documents. Review and redline together, and resolve issues in real-time. Reduce your template count while increasing flexibility and customization and decreasing human error risk by eliminating dual data entry.

What is Filevine Document Assembly?

Possibly copy from Describe user experience is native inside Filevine with patented .vine documents. Examples of how it’s used.

Document Assembly Q&A

  • Description text goes here
  • Description text goes here
  • Description text goes here
  • Item description

Scheduled Delivery

Receive an easy-to-read report in your email to keep track of performance and take action.

Continuous Improvement

Our dashboard is constantly improving and all new features are automatically released on your dashboard. At Vineskills, feedback is always welcomed!

Campaign Insights

Track your individual campaigns or Google Local Service Ads performance based on fields that are hidden in Lead Docket

Act Quickly

Visibility of trends in your intake and marketing allows you to take action before an issue arises.


$2,500 for a one-month plan that includes:

  • Filevine Org setup with Document Assembly (if needed)

  • Document Assembly themes setup for the company brand, logo, letterhead

  • Training sessions for users and admins

  • Training videos library provided to the client

  • Build out of 5-10 standard Document Assembly templates


We love to build creative, custom solutions and have implemented thousands of Document Assembly templates. If you have a large or unique project, let’s connect.

Interested? Let’s connect.

Learn More About Document Assembly